Survey: Help Me Pick An Online Course Topic!


If you've been following me on this blog's Facebook or Instagram accounts, you'll know that after 4 long years of slogging, I've done all my final exams and handed in my clinic portfolio... and about to qualify as a nutritional therapist. Woohoo! Exciting stuff! Everyone's already been asking me "So... WHAT'S NEXT?" for a while now, and I've been thinking long and hard. 

I don't want to give up my Producer day-job just yet, but I do want to keep educating and informing people about how they can live better, richer, more fulfilled lives through diet, fitness and lifestyle improvements. I'd love to run a series of retreats at some point, so as a starting point, I'm going to trial online courses.

There are so many ideas I've got and topics I'm interested in - but this isn't about me. This is about YOU. So tell me what you're interested in, what health issues you've got going on now, what kind of help you'd like. I've created a survey I'd love your input on, on 3 possible course topics: 

  • Topic #1: Adrenal Fatigue/ Exhaustion
  • Topic #2: Using Your DNA to Optimise Your Diet + Fitness
  • Topic #3: Digestive Issues -  IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)/ gut discomfort/ bloating, etc. 

More info on each topic in the survey below. Tell me what you like/ what you don't - and why. If none of the above interest you, let me know what topic(s) will. Any of the group courses I'll run will also incorporate one-on-one sessions so that we tailor plans for you as an individual. I always approach health from a naturopathic and functional medicine viewpoint - tailoring solutions for the individual, addressing the root cause. 

If you're interested to see how this journey progresses, or even be a part of my beta-testers in my first course, subscribe to my course + workshop updates. You have a chance to determine what you want to learn to improve your health + wellness! This survey will run for 7 days until August 1, 2016.



This survey is now closed. Survey results available here. Thanks for participating!