Survey Result: You Wanna Learn How to Use Your DNA to Hit Your Health Goals!

Last week, I sent out a message to see what topics you'd be interested in if I were to create my first online course. I got an overwhelming response, woohoo! You guys rock! THANK YOU! 

And yup, you guys showed overwhelming interest in learning how to use your DNA to hit your diet and fitness health goals. Here's a snapshot of the relevant responses. 

So over the next few months, I'm going to be busy putting this course together. As I've got an international audience who's interested, I need to look into which labs are available in the various countries, and which genes they test for. I need to ensure that for the most part, I'll be providing everyone similar gene tests around the world. If you know of any labs you like where you are, please feel free to reach out and let me know! Use the comments below or the contact form on this site.

Group Course:

I'm planning to start this off as a group course to give you an overview of what nutrigenomics/ DNA testing is about (and what it's not about), and WHY you should and HOW you can individualise and customise your diet and fitness routines.

One-on-One Sessions:

Since your results will be individual and customised to you, I also want to break out into individual one-on-one sessions to discuss your health goals and how you can use what you were born with to your advantage. We'll work with where you're currently at with your diet and lifestyle, and see how we can make practical adjustments to get you to where you want to be. We can also see how we can help mitigate any risk factors that may show up on your DNA report. 

Next Steps: 

I've got LOADS more research to do! Besides deciding on the course curriculum and which labs we'll work with, I'm also thinking of how to price this and how to roll this out. I reckon I'll need a few more months to get this all together, so will probably be ready to share something towards the end of this year (November? December? ...ugh! Self-imposed deadlines!) 

As teaching and coaching in this format is still new to me, I'll definitely start off with a beta group - I may limit the numbers and country locations initially while I work out what works/ what doesn't and get feedback from the beta group on how to improve this as we go along. 

This beta group will of course be offered the course at a discounted rate, I'll have more details to come in the coming months. If you're interested in participating or tracking my progress with this course and haven't yet signed up to my mailing list, or didn't leave your email address after filling in the survey, you can opt-in below (if you already left your email address at the end of the survey last week, you're on the list!)

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Other News:

In the meantime, the other great news I have is - I have officially qualified as a nutritional therapist! My diploma's arrived in the mail. Happy days! Looking forward to sharing my continuing journey with you. :)