Non-Sleep Deep Rest | Body Scan

Non-Sleep Deep Rest | Body Scan

Non-Sleep Deep Rest is a guided meditation that can help soothe and reset your nervous system in a short time. Through a progressive relaxation or body scan, we relax the body. When the body's relaxed, the mind can more easily relax too. Got 15 minutes? Lie down and take a short rest with me.

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A Moment Of Ease For Your Anxiety - Ocean Of Relaxation

A Moment Of Ease For Your Anxiety - Ocean Of Relaxation

A 12-minute guided relaxation to help you remember the ease and openness that's always within you. Let the waves of relaxation flow through you with every breath as the sounds of the ocean remind you of your wholeness. Designed to help you remember this present moment.

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25 Minute Yoga Nidra Meditation to REDUCE STRESS + ANXIETY (guided relaxation technique)

25 Minute Yoga Nidra Meditation to REDUCE STRESS + ANXIETY (guided relaxation technique)

This 25-minute yoga nidra meditation will help you reduce any anxiety and stress you might be feeling. Listen to this guided relaxation technique to help you feel into any anxious thought or emotion, so that you can move through it.

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