New Year "Intentions" vs. "Resolutions" + January Reboot


Where has the time gone, it's already 2017?!

I hope you had a good festive season, eating, drinking and being merry with friends, family and loved ones. Whenever it comes to the holidays and a little bit of indulging... "a little bit" is always OK. After all, we need to do things that are also good for the soul, no? ;)

I think the issue lies more with not knowing when to stop (myself included. Haha!) ...Hence the glut of January detoxes/ "dry January's" and a boom in gym memberships when everyone rushes to put their new year's resolutions into place. Us humans are such a funny breed, aren't we?

New Year "Intentions" vs. "Resolutions":

Just as how I take an "everything in moderation" approach to the festive feasting, I believe in the same when it comes to the new year. Resolutions are made to be broken, coz there's only so much mental "resolve" one can manage before one cracks. A new year "intention" is a way more productive way of framing and working your way towards a certain goal. 

For me, I usually set intentions around certain themes in my life I'd like to work on and embrace. Previous themes have centred around phrases like "Joyful Surrender" or "Speak My Truth", qualities I wanted to embody. This year, I haven't quite settled on a clear intention yet, but I'm definitely working my way there as this year, I turn 40. Uh-huh. The BIG 4-0. 

Usually the new year fills me with dread as the thought of turning a year older depresses me. Ha. For some reason, this year with what some consider a "milestone" year, I'm totally OK with becoming a year older AND leaving my 30s behind. I'm actually ready to embrace it. Woah. What's happening?! 

Part of my excitement for 2017 is coz I'm planning a 2-month sabbatical in a few months, kicking off with my 40th birthday that rolls into an "Astrodharma retreat" in Rishikesh, India after which I'll be exploring some of northern India. While I'm more familiar with some parts of southern India, this will be my first time up North - so if you have any suggestions beyond my bucket list of Varanasi/ Agra (Taj Mahal)/ Amritsar (Golden Temple)/ Jaipur... let me know where else I should consider! 

Your January Reboot:

Enough about me... Now what about you? 

What are some of your intentions for 2017? And by "2017" I mean for THE ENTIRE YEAR, not just the "new year", to be forgotten after the first quarter. :) 

You've still got time to reflect and think about what personal development goals you'd like to work on for the year... and first things first... a very gentle reboot for this time of year might be just what you need.

When it comes to the "January detox", I would not recommend any kind of juice/ smoothie detox if you're in the northern hemisphere and going through winter right now. Such a cleanse can be considered later in the year, in Spring or Summer when the weather is warmer and your body can manage a systemic flush post-winter. 

In the winter, our bodies require warmth and nourishment, and a gentler reboot would be much easier on your system.

if you're looking to reset your metabolism, restore your energy levels and reboost your immune system and you're living in central Amsterdam, I've collaborated with the good guys at Cropbox on their January Soup Reboot

The Plan:

The Soup Reboot is basically: 

  • 2 soups per day, 3 days per week.
  • Delivered fresh every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. 
  • Weekly handouts with breakfast + snack ideas for the days you're on your reboot. 
  • Access to private Facebook Cropbox Soup Reboot group, where I'll be available to answer any of your nutrition-related questions. 

And here's a flyer breaking it down:

It's still not too late to sign up! 

These soups are also available as individual soups everyday, per your regular Cropbox weekly schedule, if you're unsure of signing up for the full month.

If you decide to sign up later, contact Amanda at, and I'm sure we can work something out. 

Let me know if you have any questions on new year intentions or the reboot in the comments below... Or even if you simply wanna share your intentions for 2017! 

I hope 2017 brings you all great health and happiness... Or at least have fun trying. As always, I'm here to support you on that journey. Let me know how I can help.