[ REVIEW ] A Nutritional Therapist’s Guide to 7 Best Coffee/ Cafés in Amsterdam (JUNE 2019)

Ah… Coffee! The one thing that often brings up debate - is it good or bad for you? ...like with most things, I’d say “it depends”. ;) 

Coffee: Good or Bad? 

If you’re using it as a stimulant to get you going first thing in the morning, then you might want to take a look at why. On so many levels, that’s a bad idea - it’s a shock to your system for the hormones, adrenals, and metabolism, just to name a few.

However, if you’re drinking coffee about 2 - 3 hours after waking up, on average between 9.30am - 11.30am, essentially after peak cortisol levels start to drop (cortisol peaks when you first roll out of bed), then the average person could likely get the maximum benefits of all the antioxidant properties of coffee. 

Dutch Coffee

The Dutch are one of the biggest consumers of coffee in the world, would you believe? Unfortunately, a lot of that is shit coffee. True story. Who the heck still drinks instant coffee? Oh yeah, the Dutchies do. Ha. Please - never do this. It’s not that terrible from a health perspective (higher acrylamides than regular coffee but that’s about it), but it’s more terrible from a “good taste” perspective. Haha. 

The good thing is there are loads of coffee nerds in Amsterdam, with loads of specialty roasters to choose from.

Coffee, like wine, is so subjective… so my caveat is: I’m not a fan of the softer, more floraly coffees like Ethiopian brews. I like a strong, full-bodied roast with guts. Coming from Asia, I’m probably more used to the almost-burnt roast. So if you’re a coffee snob and purist, you might not agree with some of my recommendations. Best thing to do is to try them all out and see what you think!

Amsterdam Best Coffee Guide

#1 - Lot 61

My fave local coffee. They roast their own beans and also do a nitro brew in the summer. Also with gluten-free banana bread option.

Soy and oat non-dairy milk options.

#2 - Monks

They serve food too and have some good sandwiches. They stock beans from different roasters. 

#3 - Bocca Coffee

In the summers, they experiment with stuff like fermented coffee kombucha (so goooood!) They roast their own brews and also do barista workshops and trainings. Cool space to hang and read or work at too.

Soy and oat non-dairy milk options.

#4 - Screaming Beans

They’re in the 9 streets and also do light bites like sandwiches/ pastries. Most of their beans are from Bocca. It’s been a while since I’ve been there, so not sure if they’ve changed it up.

Soy, oat, almond non-dairy milk options. 

#5 - Koffie Spot

Right in the middle of town in the lower part of the Jordaan, they’ve also got a juice bar. It’s a great spot if you can’t agree on whether you want a coffee or a smoothie, coz here you can get both!

Soy and oat non-dairy milk options.

#6 - Toki

If I must be honest, this isn’t one of my fave coffee spots as I find their house brew a little too acidic. “I’m just not into sour coffee” is my very technical description of it, hahaha. Plus, their coffees are never hot enough. Buuuuut. It’s a fave amongst coffee connoisseurs, so definitely check them out coz you might just like their coffee too. 

Oat and almond non-dairy milk options.

#7 - Scandinavian Embassy

They’re in De Pijp area and also do brunch!

Oat and almond non-dairy milk options.

Honourable Mention - Rapha

They’re not technically a cafe, since they’re a cycling shop. You’d completely miss it if you walked past since it’s a store that sells posh racing bikes and cycling gear. But they have a cafe in the back, and if you’re a cycling nerd you’d know about the Rapha memberships that not only give you discounts on their gear and group rides, it also gets you FREE unlimited coffee. Oat non-dairy milk option.

The rest of us have to pay (their coffees are also never usually hot enough, so get them to warm the cup first). ;)

Am I missing any of your favourite coffee spots? Do let me know by adding your faves in the comments below. You’d be helping out other newbies to our beautiful city too! 

Stay tuned for more recommendations of green juice/ smoothie places coming soon! 

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