Is Your Coffee Habit Doing More Harm than Good in Stressful Times?

Is Your Coffee Habit Doing More Harm than Good in Stressful Times?

Let me start by saying: Coffee is NOT evil. It’s got loads of polyphenols that have health-promoting properties - such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, and antihypertensive properties.


If you’re highly stressed, exhausted all the time but wired and can’t fall asleep - you need to understand why excessive coffee (caffeine, really) is actually keeping you in this high alert - high stress mode…

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[ REVIEW ] A Nutritional Therapist’s Guide to 7 Best Coffee/ Cafés in Amsterdam (JUNE 2019)

[ REVIEW ] A Nutritional Therapist’s Guide to 7 Best Coffee/ Cafés in Amsterdam (JUNE 2019)

Ah… Coffee! The one thing that often brings up debate - is it good or bad for you? with most things, I’d say “it depends”. ;) 

Coffee: Good or Bad? 

If you’re using it as a stimulant to get you going first thing in the morning, then you might want to take a look at why. On so many levels…

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