How-To-Make Hazelnut Butter & Home-Made Nutella Banana Smoothie

How-To-Make Hazelnut Butter & Home-Made Nutella Banana Smoothie

HAPPY NUTELLA DAY!! Yup, this day exists. I've been craving Nutella recently… but have you read what's on that Nutella label? Ewwwww. It becomes way less appetising with all that sugar, milk powder and unpronounceable chemicals. So I figured I'd make my own out of home-made nut butter and raw cacao nibs. What could go wrong. ...Right?

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9 Healthy Snack Ideas for the Busy Person Travelling

9 Healthy Snack Ideas for the Busy Person Travelling

As it’s the time of year when more people are gearing up to travel for the holidays, I thought I’d write up some handy snacks you could take with you while you’re on-the-road. As someone who travels often at my day job as an Executive Producer in advertising, I have a stash of healthy travel snack ideas you can pull from here…

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[ REVIEW ] A Nutritional Therapist’s Guide to 7 Best Coffee/ Cafés in Amsterdam (JUNE 2019)

[ REVIEW ] A Nutritional Therapist’s Guide to 7 Best Coffee/ Cafés in Amsterdam (JUNE 2019)

Ah… Coffee! The one thing that often brings up debate - is it good or bad for you? with most things, I’d say “it depends”. ;) 

Coffee: Good or Bad? 

If you’re using it as a stimulant to get you going first thing in the morning, then you might want to take a look at why. On so many levels…

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[RECIPE]: Banana Bread - Grain-Free/ Gluten-Free/ Paleo/ Keto(ish)

[RECIPE]: Banana Bread - Grain-Free/ Gluten-Free/ Paleo/ Keto(ish)

If you’re starting out this new year going more grain-free, I’ve got a sweet treat recipe for you. Although this is tagged under “keto”, let’s get one thing straight: bananas are NOT ketogenic. They definitely contain enough glucose to take you out of ketosis.

HOWEVER. The reason why…

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Golden Milk Chai: Turmeric Paste + Chai Tea

Golden Milk Chai: Turmeric Paste + Chai Tea

As we're well into the thick of winter here in Amsterdam, I've been experimenting with various warming drinks that are sugar and caffeine-free. I've got a good chicory-cacao-cayenne pepper recipe I've been experimenting with, but that will be another post for later, so look out for it. ;) In the meantime, I've been looking to Ayurvedic recipes...

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Easy DIY Coconut Yoghurt With 2 Ingredients!

Easy DIY Coconut Yoghurt With 2 Ingredients!

If you're generally dairy-free like me, there's probably one thing you miss quite a bit: YOGHURT! That tangy taste, all that natural probiotic-goodness for the gut, and a protein-rich part of breakfast (or even dessert). I remember when I first discovered coconut yoghurt - it was like hitting the jackpot. THIS STUFF EXISTS?! If you haven't already tried...

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