How-To-Make Hazelnut Butter & Home-Made Nutella Banana Smoothie

How-To-Make Hazelnut Butter & Home-Made Nutella Banana Smoothie

HAPPY NUTELLA DAY!! Yup, this day exists. I've been craving Nutella recently… but have you read what's on that Nutella label? Ewwwww. It becomes way less appetising with all that sugar, milk powder and unpronounceable chemicals. So I figured I'd make my own out of home-made nut butter and raw cacao nibs. What could go wrong. ...Right?

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What Makes A "Good" Breakfast?

What Makes A "Good" Breakfast?

All too often, I see people starting off with the best intentions of having a "healthy breakfast", only to pile their bowls with too much of one thing and not enough of another. Spiking your blood-sugar levels with a bowl of sugary granola and fruit and jolting your adrenals with a shot of caffeine first thing in the morning is shocking the system artificially into action and... 

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Raw Week: Day 6

Raw Week: Day 6

Day 6. Nearly there! I went to bed super late last night as was up writing Day 5's post till 2am (!) Woke up naturally at 7am and figured since I was up, I might as well pop something in the dehydrator, so it could be ready for lunch later. Yup, my life currently revolves around "what to eat next?"...

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Raw Week: Day 5

Raw Week: Day 5

Day 5. Weekend!! :) 9.20am: Hot water + juice from 1/2 lemon.

My guy pointed out that "hot water isn't raw". OK. So it's not 40-something degrees Celsius and under. But it's a good wake up for the body and flush through my system - giving the digestive system a nice kickstart.

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Raw Week: Day 3

Raw Week: Day 3

Day 3. After writing yesterday's blog, I realized I'm actually feeling pretty snowed under. What's the point of doing this cleanse if I'm just stressed out and wound up the whole time? I haven't even had time to process how I'm feeling on this raw diet, as I've just allowed work stress to have its hold over me. I've been reading Dr. Gabriel Cousens' "Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine" classic book on raw food, and he talks about...

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Cacao-Cashew-Chia Raw Power Bars

Cacao-Cashew-Chia Raw Power Bars

Last week, I was in Warsaw, Poland on a shoot for work. It terrifies me whenever I have to go to Eastern Europe, as their "vegetarian" options are always... well... "vegetarian". It's almost always some form of potatoes with some other stodgy root veggie. Mashed potato, boiled potato, potato dumplings... In Poland, even the drink of choice, vodka, is made with... POTATOES!! It's like Bubba Gump rattling off...

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