How-To-Make Hazelnut Butter & Home-Made Nutella Banana Smoothie

How-To-Make Hazelnut Butter & Home-Made Nutella Banana Smoothie

HAPPY NUTELLA DAY!! Yup, this day exists. I've been craving Nutella recently… but have you read what's on that Nutella label? Ewwwww. It becomes way less appetising with all that sugar, milk powder and unpronounceable chemicals. So I figured I'd make my own out of home-made nut butter and raw cacao nibs. What could go wrong. ...Right?

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Celeriac-Hazelnut Burgers

Celeriac-Hazelnut Burgers

This afternoon at work, there was a lot of talk about mushroom burgers. Like, A LOT. To the point where when I left work, I was CRAVING a mushroom burger. I'd already planned out what I was gonna make, how I was gonna make it, and how heavenly it was gonna taste. Of course I mistakenly thought I still had mushrooms in the fridge. So imagine my dismay when I came home to find NO MUSHROOMS in there. Ugh...

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