[ REVIEW ] A Wellness Expert’s Guide to 21 Healthy-ish Restaurants in Amsterdam (June 2019)

[ REVIEW ] A Wellness  Expert’s Guide to 21 Healthy-ish Restaurants in Amsterdam (June 2019)

As a certified nutritional therapist AND bonafide greedy guts foodie, I often get asked for my recommendations of “which good or healthy places to eat at in Amsterdam?”

I often feel that it’s not great to label your food “good” or “bad”... as this could lead to an unhealthy relationship with food. Also… how do you…

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Celeriac-Hazelnut Burgers

Celeriac-Hazelnut Burgers

This afternoon at work, there was a lot of talk about mushroom burgers. Like, A LOT. To the point where when I left work, I was CRAVING a mushroom burger. I'd already planned out what I was gonna make, how I was gonna make it, and how heavenly it was gonna taste. Of course I mistakenly thought I still had mushrooms in the fridge. So imagine my dismay when I came home to find NO MUSHROOMS in there. Ugh...

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Smokey Roast Peppers Stuffed With Smoked Tofu, Kale, Corn & Tri-colour Quinoa

Smokey Roast Peppers Stuffed With Smoked Tofu, Kale, Corn & Tri-colour Quinoa

Since I've been home-based and not travelling at all in the past couple weeks, I've really enjoyed being in the kitchen again. As much as dialling room-service is a novel luxury for the first couple days on the road, there's nothing more grounding than being able to whip up something simple and fast in your own kitchen. Here in Amsterdam, Fall is definitely upon us. The leaves haven't changed colours yet, but the temperature's dropped, the rain is back in full force and...

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