What Makes A "Good" Breakfast?

What Makes A "Good" Breakfast?

All too often, I see people starting off with the best intentions of having a "healthy breakfast", only to pile their bowls with too much of one thing and not enough of another. Spiking your blood-sugar levels with a bowl of sugary granola and fruit and jolting your adrenals with a shot of caffeine first thing in the morning is shocking the system artificially into action and... 

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Smokey Roast Peppers Stuffed With Smoked Tofu, Kale, Corn & Tri-colour Quinoa

Smokey Roast Peppers Stuffed With Smoked Tofu, Kale, Corn & Tri-colour Quinoa

Since I've been home-based and not travelling at all in the past couple weeks, I've really enjoyed being in the kitchen again. As much as dialling room-service is a novel luxury for the first couple days on the road, there's nothing more grounding than being able to whip up something simple and fast in your own kitchen. Here in Amsterdam, Fall is definitely upon us. The leaves haven't changed colours yet, but the temperature's dropped, the rain is back in full force and...

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