Pack A Protein Punch - Chocolate Spirulina Protein Bliss Balls

Pack A Protein Punch - Chocolate Spirulina Protein Bliss Balls

The past few months have been kind of intense - between work, studying for final exams for 2nd year of naturopathy school, writing a final paper and dealing with relationship stuff, I've barely been keeping my head above water. It's always in busy and stressful times when it's all too easy to...

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Cacao-Cashew-Chia Raw Power Bars

Cacao-Cashew-Chia Raw Power Bars

Last week, I was in Warsaw, Poland on a shoot for work. It terrifies me whenever I have to go to Eastern Europe, as their "vegetarian" options are always... well... "vegetarian". It's almost always some form of potatoes with some other stodgy root veggie. Mashed potato, boiled potato, potato dumplings... In Poland, even the drink of choice, vodka, is made with... POTATOES!! It's like Bubba Gump rattling off...

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Gluten-Free Oat Flour, Blueberry, Chia, Coconut Pancakes

Gluten-Free Oat Flour, Blueberry, Chia, Coconut Pancakes

I'm a sucker for brunch of any kind. The Full English (the veggie version, of course), Huevos Rancheros,  French toast, I'll even do Vegemite on toast but with jam, to take the edge off. And of course PANCAKES!!! are no exception. Living in Amsterdam, pancakes are pretty much a Dutch obsession. The best ones they do are the poffertjes...

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Chocolate Coconut Manna-From-Heaven Smoothie

Chocolate Coconut Manna-From-Heaven Smoothie

My BFF from childhood is addicted to Coconut Manna. I reckon it probably ranks as one of the most suspicious is-it-good-for-you-or-is-it-not products on earth. All the ingredients label says is "Organic whole coconut". And the label description says "Coconut Manna™ is a delicious whole food made of pure, dried coconut flesh. This tropical 'melt in your mouth' treat contains 12% fiber, 9% protein and nourishing fats." (™ symbol and bold words are exactly as they are on the label. Haha.)...

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