9 Healthy Snack Ideas for the Busy Person Travelling

9 Healthy Snack Ideas for the Busy Person Travelling

As it’s the time of year when more people are gearing up to travel for the holidays, I thought I’d write up some handy snacks you could take with you while you’re on-the-road. As someone who travels often at my day job as an Executive Producer in advertising, I have a stash of healthy travel snack ideas you can pull from here…

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Pack A Protein Punch - Chocolate Spirulina Protein Bliss Balls

Pack A Protein Punch - Chocolate Spirulina Protein Bliss Balls

The past few months have been kind of intense - between work, studying for final exams for 2nd year of naturopathy school, writing a final paper and dealing with relationship stuff, I've barely been keeping my head above water. It's always in busy and stressful times when it's all too easy to...

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