Raw Week: Day 5

Raw Week: Day 5

Day 5. Weekend!! :) 9.20am: Hot water + juice from 1/2 lemon.

My guy pointed out that "hot water isn't raw". OK. So it's not 40-something degrees Celsius and under. But it's a good wake up for the body and flush through my system - giving the digestive system a nice kickstart.

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Raw Week: Day 2

Raw Week: Day 2

Day 2. I've been thinking about how you need to be quite organized with this 100% raw business. So I figured I'd also list out when I start prepping stuff for the upcoming day(s), so you'll get an idea of what comes next. Raw IS quite a bit of work (no wonder all those store-bought raw snacks are so expensive), but I think the trick is to get...

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