Easy DIY Coconut Yoghurt With 2 Ingredients!

Easy DIY Coconut Yoghurt With 2 Ingredients!

If you're generally dairy-free like me, there's probably one thing you miss quite a bit: YOGHURT! That tangy taste, all that natural probiotic-goodness for the gut, and a protein-rich part of breakfast (or even dessert). I remember when I first discovered coconut yoghurt - it was like hitting the jackpot. THIS STUFF EXISTS?! If you haven't already tried...

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Raw Week: Day 6

Raw Week: Day 6

Day 6. Nearly there! I went to bed super late last night as was up writing Day 5's post till 2am (!) Woke up naturally at 7am and figured since I was up, I might as well pop something in the dehydrator, so it could be ready for lunch later. Yup, my life currently revolves around "what to eat next?"...

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Raw Week: Day 5

Raw Week: Day 5

Day 5. Weekend!! :) 9.20am: Hot water + juice from 1/2 lemon.

My guy pointed out that "hot water isn't raw". OK. So it's not 40-something degrees Celsius and under. But it's a good wake up for the body and flush through my system - giving the digestive system a nice kickstart.

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Raw Week: Day 3

Raw Week: Day 3

Day 3. After writing yesterday's blog, I realized I'm actually feeling pretty snowed under. What's the point of doing this cleanse if I'm just stressed out and wound up the whole time? I haven't even had time to process how I'm feeling on this raw diet, as I've just allowed work stress to have its hold over me. I've been reading Dr. Gabriel Cousens' "Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine" classic book on raw food, and he talks about...

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Raw Week: Day 2

Raw Week: Day 2

Day 2. I've been thinking about how you need to be quite organized with this 100% raw business. So I figured I'd also list out when I start prepping stuff for the upcoming day(s), so you'll get an idea of what comes next. Raw IS quite a bit of work (no wonder all those store-bought raw snacks are so expensive), but I think the trick is to get...

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Spring Cleanse: 7 Days of Raw!

Spring Cleanse: 7 Days of Raw!

Spring has sprung! Amsterdam feels like it's slowly coming out of winter - most afternoons, it feels like Tshirt weather (never mind that it goes back down to freezing winter at night). Feels like a good time to start this year's Spring cleanse, and what better way to kickstart this than by timing this with my next Naturopathy school assignment...

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