Relax Like a Pro at the End of Your Day | Non-Sleep Deep Rest Meditation (NSDR)

Relax Like a Pro at the End of Your Day | Non-Sleep Deep Rest Meditation (NSDR)

Relax like a pro after a long day of work - unwind and transition into the next part of your day with this non-sleep deep rest (NSDR), also known as yoga nidra meditation. Release tension and relax. Especially if you struggle with sleep and insomnia, how you transition from a busy day into the rest of your evening really sets the tone hours before you hit your bed. Lie down and take a rest with me.

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Unwind: From Work-to-Relaxation Meditation

Unwind: From Work-to-Relaxation Meditation

Unwind from your work day and transition into the next part of your day. When we set an intention to let go of the stress from the day that came before, we welcome a deeper relaxation that can happen in just 15 minutes. You’re welcome to sit up or lie down… any way that feels comfy to begin unwinding, and transition into your evening.

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Can't Sleep? Try THIS!

Can't Sleep? Try THIS!

Some nights, it's hard to get a good night's sleep. Rather than lying in bed and stressing out about "I CAN'T SLEEP!", which digs you further down the insomnia-hole, I've found listening to a guided relaxation often helps me relax and drift away to sleep. With gentle sounds of the rain outside and a quiet music track, helping to guide you into deep sleep.

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Morning Yoga Nidra Meditation for a PRODUCTIVE DAY

Morning Yoga Nidra Meditation for a PRODUCTIVE DAY

Start this morning with a yoga nidra meditation to stay focused and productive. This guided meditation is helpful for when you've got a big day ahead - you can even start the day off while lying down! Set your intention with me for your productive day today. ❤️

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Yoga Nidra Meditation for INNER PEACE

Yoga Nidra Meditation for  INNER PEACE

This yoga nidra meditation helps you find some inner peace. When we come from a place of love for ourselves and for others, we can rest in a place of inner peace. We draw from the traditional metta loving kindness meditation practice which aspires for the happiness of all beings... try this and see how this shifts your inner world in just 25 minutes!

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Yoga Nidra - STEP INTO SPRING (with visualisation meditation)

Yoga Nidra - STEP INTO SPRING (with visualisation meditation)

Celebrate the changing season with this Yoga Nidra and visualisation meditation to help you step into Spring. Give yourself a Spring Detox for mind and body as we let go of any heavy energy from Winter, and invite in fresh, light, healing energy.

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