3 HIGH PROTEIN Green Smoothies (better breakfast ideas)

3 HIGH PROTEIN Green Smoothies (better breakfast ideas)

I've got 3 high-protein green smoothie recipes for a better breakfast. I take you through the basic building blocks of how to build your own smoothies too so they're not too high in sugar (ie: too much fruit!) They're all fast and easy and have options with and without protein powder.

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Stay Motivated to Workout In Lockdown 2020 - The ONE TIP You Need

Stay Motivated to Workout In Lockdown 2020 - The ONE TIP You Need

If this lockdown or quarantine situation in 2020 is getting you down, this video will give you ONE TIP you'll need to stay motivated to workout. Moving/ keeping fit/ exercising... whatever you wanna call it... is something that can help keep your spirits up... so how do you get the ball rolling to stay motivated?

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6 Tips to Create Healthy Habits and Stick to Them in 2020

6 Tips to Create Healthy Habits and Stick to Them in 2020

In this video, I’ll give you 6 tips on how to create healthy habits but more importantly, how to stick to them. This is actually a little preview into my talk at the upcoming Healthy Eating and Happy Living Summit running from August 24th - 30th, 2020 - where I’ll be breaking this down further, workshop-style, taking you through a workbook on how to actually take what I’m teaching you today and put it into action in your life practically. Check the links below to sign up:

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7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Any Conference/ Workshop/ Event - In-Person or Online in 2020

7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Any Conference/ Workshop/ Event - In-Person or Online in 2020

I cover the 7 tips for you to get the most out of the Healthy Eating and Happy Living Summit, running from August 24th - 30th in 2020.

But these tips also work for any event/ talk/ masterclass/ workshop that you attend in-person or online.

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Upgrade Your Life, Boost Your Energy Through Nutrition, Fitness [Healthy Eating Happy Living Summit 2020]

Upgrade Your Life, Boost Your Energy Through Nutrition, Fitness [Healthy Eating Happy Living Summit 2020]

If you’re looking to upgrade your life and boost your energy, the upcoming Healthy Eating and Happy Living Online Summit might just be the one event that’s going to help you.

Today, I interview Brianna Wilkerson, the amazing and inspiring lady who’s organising this event, and we’ll dive deep into how some of the upcoming talks at this event are gonna help you up-level…

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NOT Losing Weight but Eating Healthy and Exercising? (WHY + HOW to fix this!)

NOT Losing Weight but Eating Healthy and Exercising? (WHY + HOW to fix this!)

So you’re eating super healthy, you’re working out and keeping fit, but why are you still putting on weight? In today’s video, I’ll share with you not only why you’re STILL putting on weight even though you’re reducing what you eat and working out like crazy… I’ll explain why the very things you’re doing in an attempt to lose weight are actually resulting in the opposite effect: it’s making you PUT ON weight!

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13 Practical Tips on How to Deal with Stress at Work and Home

13 Practical Tips on How to Deal with Stress at Work and Home

In this week’s video, I’ll take you through 13 tips covering all the practical things you can do to reduce your stress levels. Some of these tips are fast and easy, a few might require you to change some habits so depending on the kind of person you are may take a bit longer - but they’re ALL going to help you reduce your stress levels practically at work and at home.

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