How to Get Out of a Rut - Why Motivation Alone Is Not Enough

How to Get Out of a Rut - Why Motivation Alone Is Not Enough

How to get out of a rut, especially in quarantine or lockdown in 2020 - and why motivation alone is not enough. Using behaviour design research, I explain why motivation alone is not enough to get you out of a rut, and what 2 other things you need to build into your daily rituals to work alongside motivation to get you out of that funk.

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Stay Motivated to Workout In Lockdown 2020 - The ONE TIP You Need

Stay Motivated to Workout In Lockdown 2020 - The ONE TIP You Need

If this lockdown or quarantine situation in 2020 is getting you down, this video will give you ONE TIP you'll need to stay motivated to workout. Moving/ keeping fit/ exercising... whatever you wanna call it... is something that can help keep your spirits up... so how do you get the ball rolling to stay motivated?

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Manduka eQua Yoga Mat Towel Review | Why You Need a Yoga Mat Towel

Manduka eQua Yoga Mat Towel Review | Why You Need a Yoga Mat Towel

Now, almost everybody knows you need a yoga mat for yoga… but… a yoga mat towel… say what? In this video, I’m gonna tell you 3 reasons why you might wanna consider a yoga mat towel, and I’ll recommend one - Manduka’s eQua yoga mat towel and all the reasons why you might love it too.

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7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Any Conference/ Workshop/ Event - In-Person or Online in 2020

7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Any Conference/ Workshop/ Event - In-Person or Online in 2020

I cover the 7 tips for you to get the most out of the Healthy Eating and Happy Living Summit, running from August 24th - 30th in 2020.

But these tips also work for any event/ talk/ masterclass/ workshop that you attend in-person or online.

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3 Best Exercises for Stress Relief - Cardio + HIIT are NOT It!

3 Best Exercises for Stress Relief - Cardio + HIIT are NOT It!

Are you doing tons of cardio workouts - like running 5ks everyday, pushing the high intensity trainings… only to wind up even more exhausted, drained, and feeling like you’re still not really losing weight?

If you’re living a mega busy life, with high stress levels, you could be in varying stages of adrenal fatigue. Which means that high cardio workout you’re doing might be doing you more harm than good.

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The Best Online Livestream Yoga/ Meditation/ Fitness Classes (mainly Amsterdam-based - 2020)

The Best Online Livestream Yoga/ Meditation/ Fitness Classes (mainly Amsterdam-based - 2020)

The current collective cabin fever is resulting in some AMAZING live-streaming sessions happening all over social media as people get creative with keeping healthy and moving while trying to stay connected with community. My Instagram and Facebook feeds are popping off with so many yoga + meditation teachers and fitness trainers giving live classes for free.

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5 Reasons You're Ready to Up-Level Your Health And Make It a Priority!

5 Reasons You're Ready to Up-Level Your Health And Make It a Priority!

Happy 2020! It’s about this time of year when yoga studios, gyms and fitness centres are rammed full of people, ready to take action on their new year’s resolutions.

But will you be one of those who makes it through consistently till the end of the year, or will you not even make it to the end of January?

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Why New Year’s "Resolutions" Don’t Work - And What Works Instead

Why New Year’s "Resolutions" Don’t Work - And What Works Instead

Hooray! You made it through Christmas without killing anyone. Now with some of the festive cheer dipping, perhaps you’re looking ahead to the new year and getting sweaty palms thinking “what’s my new year’s resolution for 2020?” or rather “do I really need to set a new year’s resolution?!”  (or even for the decade…)

If nothing else, it’s a good way to check in with yourself and do a…

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