5 Reasons You're Ready to Up-Level Your Health And Make It a Priority!

5 Reasons You're Ready to Up-Level Your Health And Make It a Priority!

Happy 2020! It’s about this time of year when yoga studios, gyms and fitness centres are rammed full of people, ready to take action on their new year’s resolutions.

But will you be one of those who makes it through consistently till the end of the year, or will you not even make it to the end of January?

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What Is An Ayurvedic Retreat, and Which One Is Best For Deep Relaxation?

What Is An Ayurvedic Retreat, and Which One Is Best For Deep Relaxation?

Are you already back from that summer holiday? The best thing to do post-holiday is to start planning your next break! That way you’ll not only have something to look forward to in the next few months, it will also be a good reminder that you need to consistently slow down and plan when you’ll be taking your next timeout…

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9 Reasons to Attend Reconnect: Day Retreat

9 Reasons to Attend Reconnect: Day Retreat


Due to personal circumstances, we have decided to reschedule this event till the new year, in the first quarter of 2020. We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but we definitely would love to have you there with us in the new year. If you’d like to be kept informed of our new event date, pre-register here.

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Sleep Series, Part 1 - How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep + Prevent Insomnia

Sleep Series, Part 1 - How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep + Prevent Insomnia

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the keys to good health. Since so many of us suffer from some variation of “not getting enough sleep” these days, I’ve created a 5-part sleep series to help you tackle this.

This is Part 1. Check back for the other 4 parts which will cover the following:

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