5 Reasons You're Ready to Up-Level Your Health And Make It a Priority!

5 Reasons You're Ready to Up-Level Your Health And Make It a Priority!

Happy 2020! It’s about this time of year when yoga studios, gyms and fitness centres are rammed full of people, ready to take action on their new year’s resolutions.

But will you be one of those who makes it through consistently till the end of the year, or will you not even make it to the end of January?

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Why New Year’s "Resolutions" Don’t Work - And What Works Instead

Why New Year’s "Resolutions" Don’t Work - And What Works Instead

Hooray! You made it through Christmas without killing anyone. Now with some of the festive cheer dipping, perhaps you’re looking ahead to the new year and getting sweaty palms thinking “what’s my new year’s resolution for 2020?” or rather “do I really need to set a new year’s resolution?!”  (or even for the decade…)

If nothing else, it’s a good way to check in with yourself and do a…

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What’s Stopping You From Achieving Your Dreams?

What’s Stopping You From Achieving Your Dreams?

In my other life, I produce TV commercials in an ad agency. I usually never mix both my advertising and wellness worlds together on this blog, but as it’s International Women’s Day and I’ve just produced a spot for Nike that crosses barriers I hope you’ll find...

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