Why You're Still Exhausted and Headed Towards Burnout (And What to Do Instead)

Why You're Still Exhausted and Headed Towards Burnout (And What to Do Instead)

In today’s video, I’m gonna explain why you’re STILL exhausted and headed towards burnout, but most importantly - what you can do about it instead! I’ll take you through the 4 things that you’re probably doing that are keeping you in exhaustion, heading towards burnout… versus the 3 things that you CAN do instead to turn things around so you’re consistently eating and moving healthy, getting enough sleep so you get more energy!

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Destress Instantly: 3 Ways to Reduce or Prevent Stress

Destress Instantly: 3 Ways to Reduce or Prevent Stress

These days, we’re all about “how to be more efficient at XYZ”. Practically every podcast, blog article or recommended book seems to revolve around life hacks and “living an optimised life” - from nutrition to fitness to mindfulness techniques. If we’re not pushing ourselves to keep achieving the next level up, then we’re made to feel like we’re not living a fulfilled life, or we’re not being “our best selves”…

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How to Stay Healthy While On Business Travel

How to Stay Healthy While On Business Travel

In my day job as an Executive Producer, I travel A LOT for shoots and post production. Sometimes, we’re away for up to three weeks at a time.

I’ve learned some hacks along the way to help keep me healthy, but most importantly, help keep me mentally and emotionally sane! I also help my wellness coaching clients who travel lots with some of these tips I’m sharing below.

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How to Create More Time in your Busy Day to Do the Magic Things That Matter

How to Create More Time in your Busy Day to Do the Magic Things That Matter

In my wellness coaching practice, I often work with people who say they have “no time”, are “too busy”, or find “planning is difficult”. But, like most of us, they also want to be more conscious in the choices they make - so that they’re able to look and feel better, get more energised throughout their day and know that they’re actively making the right decisions that work for them….

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What’s Stopping You From Achieving Your Dreams?

What’s Stopping You From Achieving Your Dreams?

In my other life, I produce TV commercials in an ad agency. I usually never mix both my advertising and wellness worlds together on this blog, but as it’s International Women’s Day and I’ve just produced a spot for Nike that crosses barriers I hope you’ll find...

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Is A Nutritional Therapist Worth The Money?

Is A Nutritional Therapist Worth The Money?

Are you keen to eat healthy and stay in shape, but not sure if what you’re doing is right for you? Do you end up tired after a long day and reach for ready-made or takeaway meals most nights? Or maybe you feel you’re doing a pretty good job with your diet and fitness routines already, but you’re still exhausted, constantly bloated and wait, are you...

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