Wind-Down Bedtime Yoga for Sleep + Relaxation - 25 minutes - Power Down Your Day

Wind-Down Bedtime Yoga for Sleep + Relaxation - 25 minutes - Power Down Your Day

A 25-minute bedtime yoga practice for sleep and relaxation to help you power down your day.

Jump into something comfy (PJs forever!) and get ready to relax your body, so you can relax your mind...

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5 Best Sleeping Tips for Stress and Anxiety: No Medication - Natural Remedies

5 Best Sleeping Tips for Stress and Anxiety: No Medication - Natural Remedies

Are you having trouble falling asleep, not having rested sleep so it feels like you’ve been in really light sleep, having interrupted sleep, or waking up still feeling like you haven’t really slept even though you’ve been in bed for the last 8 hours? If this sounds like you, this video has all the tips you’ll need to help you get a better night’s sleep - with no medications and only using natural remedies.

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One Easy Yoga Pose: Wind down after a long, hectic day at the office

One Easy Yoga Pose: Wind down after a long, hectic day at the office

You’ve had a long day - one loaded with meetings, fires to put out, and never-ending changes to fix. I get it, I’ve been there! In my other life as an Executive Producer in advertising, there are always a gazillion things to change and fix. Especially when you’re on a production in the middle of a shoot - it’s non-stop action, all day long…

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Sleep Series, Part 5 - Guided Meditations For Better Sleep

Sleep Series, Part 5 - Guided Meditations For Better Sleep

Welcome to Part 5 of my 5-part series on how to get a better night’s sleep.

In Part 5, we’ll cover why meditation is good for sleep, what the different kinds of meditations are for sleep, I’ll give some basic tips on how you can set yourself up, then I’ll recommend some good apps/ websites you can try out to find your favourite teacher and meditation…

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Sleep Series, Part 4 - Natural Supplements For Better Sleep

Sleep Series, Part 4 - Natural Supplements For Better Sleep

Welcome to Part 4 of my 5-part series on how to get a better night’s sleep.

In Part 4, we’ll talk about the supplements that can help give you a better night’s sleep.

Using Vitamins, Minerals and Orthomolecular Compounds

Instead of taking a sleeping pill that straight up knocks you out whether your body is ready for it or not…

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Sleep Series, Part 3 - Worst Foods That Affect, Hinder, and Give You Bad Sleep

Sleep Series, Part 3 - Worst Foods That Affect, Hinder, and Give You Bad Sleep

Welcome to Part 3 of my 5-part series on how to get a better night’s sleep.

In Part 3, we’ll talk about the foods that can cause insomnia and give you a terrible night’s sleep.

Here are the foods that hinder sleep and why you might want to avoid them…

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Sleep Series, Part 1 - How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep + Prevent Insomnia

Sleep Series, Part 1 - How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep + Prevent Insomnia

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the keys to good health. Since so many of us suffer from some variation of “not getting enough sleep” these days, I’ve created a 5-part sleep series to help you tackle this.

This is Part 1. Check back for the other 4 parts which will cover the following:

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