Best Stress-Relieving Foods: What, When and How to Eat When You’re Stressed ?

Best Stress-Relieving Foods: What, When and How to Eat When You’re Stressed ?

In this week's video, I share with you not only WHAT to eat to more effectively manage stress, but also WHEN and HOW to eat - the often forgotten part of eating.

All of these factors will affect how you function and perform throughout your day. What, when and how you eat is going to really affect your stress levels. It’s the difference between keeping you in a high-stressed state versus helping to keep you calm and grounded, able to power through your day with ease.

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February 2019's Preview of "5 Good Things To Share"

February 2019's Preview of "5 Good Things To Share"

A short update today on this month’s edition of my “5 Good Things To Share!”

Have you heard of this? Have you signed up for it? Have you been living under a rock?

Just kidding.

It’s a Monthly Email Update that Helps You!

  • Are you interested in how to stay fit and healthy but have no time to stay up-to-date with current health trends?

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Is A Nutritional Therapist Worth The Money?

Is A Nutritional Therapist Worth The Money?

Are you keen to eat healthy and stay in shape, but not sure if what you’re doing is right for you? Do you end up tired after a long day and reach for ready-made or takeaway meals most nights? Or maybe you feel you’re doing a pretty good job with your diet and fitness routines already, but you’re still exhausted, constantly bloated and wait, are you...

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