The Game-Changing Habit of Taking Care of Your Soul Without Being Religious or Having a Spiritual Practice

The Game-Changing Habit of Taking Care of Your Soul Without Being Religious or Having a Spiritual Practice

Today’s post is written by a dear friend of mine, someone who helps women rediscover themselves and live life on their terms, Eleni Meraki.

As we have about a month left of 2019 and this entire decade (!) it’s a good time now to reflect on the points she touches on in this article…

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What Is Forest Bathing: Connect with Nature to Relax

What Is Forest Bathing: Connect with Nature to Relax

I’ve never been much of a nature person. Growing up in Singapore, I’m used to and love the urban (concrete) jungle. Ha! It’s not until I met a guy who loved long forest walks that I started to understand and really “get” the immense benefits of “forest bathing” on the soul. It’s also such a great bonding experience between two people…

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