December 2018's Preview of "5 Good Things To Share!"

December 2018's Preview of "5 Good Things To Share!"

A short update today on this month’s edition of my “5 Good Things To Share!”. Have you heard of this? Have you signed up for it? Have you been living under a rock? Just kidding.

It’s a Monthly Email Update that Helps You!

  • Are you interested in how to stay fit and healthy but have no time…

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“5 Good Things To Share!” - Ways to Stay Fit, Healthy, Happy

“5 Good Things To Share!” - Ways to Stay Fit, Healthy, Happy

As an advertising producer in my day job who frequently travels internationally and an all-round health + wellness junkie certified in yoga teaching, nutritional therapy and reiki, I frequently get asked for my opinion on stuff like: Which gym/ yoga/ fitness studio to…

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Notes From a Holiday

Notes From a Holiday

Eating well while on the road can usually be a challenge - you don't have a kitchen on hand to prepare nutritious meals, you're in a different timezone that's turned your whole system upside down, let alone your digestive tract, you've usually been flying for some time, so dehydrated skin and water retention or bloating (blechhh!) can happen. Basically - it's not pretty.  And add to that you're on foreign ground, so navigating your way to good food can be tricky especially if you're in some place off the beaten track...

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