7 Natural Remedies to Prevent That Festive Hangover

7 Natural Remedies to Prevent That Festive Hangover

Ho! Ho! Ho! So you’ve made it through the office parties, manic airport queues, and trying not to kill your family members on day one of seeing them. Well done, you. Now with a few weeks of sleep debt, endless party hangovers and racing to wrap up the end of the year at the office, you’re feeling kind of run down and…

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Stomach Bloating: 7 Yoga Poses That Help

Stomach Bloating: 7 Yoga Poses That Help

Previously, I wrote about the foods that help and aggravate your stomach bloating symptoms. I had really positive feedback from it so I know many people are affected by it in some form or other (it’s also one of the most common symptoms I see in nutrition clinics). If you regularly feel bloated (once a week or more), talking to or working with a...

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Stomach Bloating: Foods That Help + Foods That Aggravate

Stomach Bloating: Foods That Help + Foods That Aggravate

One of the most common symptoms I see in clinics is clients with stomach bloating. Bloating can take on so many different forms: feeling like your stomach has distended (“I feel like I’m 5 months pregnant”) anywhere between 1 - 4 hours after eating; only at the end of the day; sometimes involving flatulence...

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