3-Part Sabbatical Series: Everything You Need to Know About Why + How to Take Extended Time Off From Work

3-Part Sabbatical Series: Everything You Need to Know About Why + How to Take Extended Time Off From Work

I wrote a 3-part series on taking a sabbatical. It’s everything you need to know on why you need a sabbatical, what kind of timeout you’re looking for, and how to start planning your sabbatical…

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Your Guide to the Best Of a Quiet, Mindful Holiday in Sardinia, Italy (July 2019)

Your Guide to the Best Of a Quiet, Mindful Holiday in Sardinia, Italy (July 2019)

I recently got back from a 9-day holiday to Sardinia, Italy. As a few friends have already asked me for my best tips there, I figured I’d put another tidy list together of all the food to eat/ things to see and do so you…

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Sabbatical Planning: 7-Step Guide to How to Plan Your Sabbatical

Sabbatical Planning: 7-Step Guide to How to Plan Your Sabbatical

This is part 3 of a 3-part series I’ve written on why you need to take a sabbatical.

Not sure where to begin planning yours? Let’s break it down.

1. Decide What You Want to Do

The first thing to decide is what kind of sabbatical you want:

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What I Did on My 7-Week Sabbatical - Ideas For Yours!

What I Did on My 7-Week Sabbatical - Ideas For Yours!

Following on my previous post of 5 Reasons To Take a Sabbatical (an extended timeout or break from work), here’s what I did when I took 7 weeks off my producing day job. Hopefully it will help spark some ideas of what you might like to do when you take yours…

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5 Reasons to Take a Sabbatical (Extended Timeout or Break From Work)

5 Reasons to Take a Sabbatical (Extended Timeout or Break From Work)

If you follow me on Instagram, you would’ve been sick of all my travel updates the past few weeks (sorry, not sorry!) In my day job as an Executive Producer, I’m really fortunate to be working at a company that gives everyone a paid-for 6-week sabbatical every 7 years of…

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