7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Any Conference/ Workshop/ Event - In-Person or Online in 2020

7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Any Conference/ Workshop/ Event - In-Person or Online in 2020

I cover the 7 tips for you to get the most out of the Healthy Eating and Happy Living Summit, running from August 24th - 30th in 2020.

But these tips also work for any event/ talk/ masterclass/ workshop that you attend in-person or online.

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Wind-Down Bedtime Yoga for Sleep + Relaxation - 25 minutes - Power Down Your Day

Wind-Down Bedtime Yoga for Sleep + Relaxation - 25 minutes - Power Down Your Day

A 25-minute bedtime yoga practice for sleep and relaxation to help you power down your day.

Jump into something comfy (PJs forever!) and get ready to relax your body, so you can relax your mind...

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13 Practical Tips on How to Deal with Stress at Work and Home

13 Practical Tips on How to Deal with Stress at Work and Home

In this week’s video, I’ll take you through 13 tips covering all the practical things you can do to reduce your stress levels. Some of these tips are fast and easy, a few might require you to change some habits so depending on the kind of person you are may take a bit longer - but they’re ALL going to help you reduce your stress levels practically at work and at home.

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Why You're Still Exhausted and Headed Towards Burnout (And What to Do Instead)

Why You're Still Exhausted and Headed Towards Burnout (And What to Do Instead)

In today’s video, I’m gonna explain why you’re STILL exhausted and headed towards burnout, but most importantly - what you can do about it instead! I’ll take you through the 4 things that you’re probably doing that are keeping you in exhaustion, heading towards burnout… versus the 3 things that you CAN do instead to turn things around so you’re consistently eating and moving healthy, getting enough sleep so you get more energy!

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Everything You Need to Know About Creating Your Home Retreat

Everything You Need to Know About Creating Your Home Retreat

I’ve just completed a 5-day silent home retreat with my teacher, Richard Miller, on the “Foundations of meditation”. He teaches the iRest method based in the Tantra teachings of Kashmir Shaivism - with a very easily accessible, non-secular approach, and with language easily understood for the Western mind. Not fluffy at all - it’s an immersive experience that cuts through all the intellectual BS…

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[ EPISODE 2 ] Livestream Guided Meditation: Wellbeing Through Body + Breath

[ EPISODE 2 ] Livestream Guided Meditation: Wellbeing Through Body + Breath

Any time throughout your day you start to feel a little tense, anxious or nervous, you can easily calm your nervous system down by focusing on your body and breath.

By calling out the various body parts, different sections of your brain light up, and we start to relax into the various physical/ emotional/ cognitive parts of ourselves.

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Living and Working From Home? You'll Need These Resources!

Living and Working From Home? You'll Need These Resources!

Since many of us are now adapting to both living and working out of the same (small) space - HOME! I thought I’d curate a list of some of the tools and resources that could help make for a better living and working environment.

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