The Best Online Livestream Yoga/ Meditation/ Fitness Classes (mainly Amsterdam-based - 2020)

The Best Online Livestream Yoga/ Meditation/ Fitness Classes (mainly Amsterdam-based - 2020)

The current collective cabin fever is resulting in some AMAZING live-streaming sessions happening all over social media as people get creative with keeping healthy and moving while trying to stay connected with community. My Instagram and Facebook feeds are popping off with so many yoga + meditation teachers and fitness trainers giving live classes for free.

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Guided Meditation to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in the time of Covid-19

Guided Meditation to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in the time of Covid-19

With all the negative and angsty energy surrounding us and really ramping up in the past week, my aim is to help support people by reducing some of that nervous tension… there are so many different ways of doing this: humour is one way, and yoga, meditation and breathwork (pranayama) techniques are some of the other ways…

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Destress Instantly: 3 Ways to Reduce or Prevent Stress

Destress Instantly: 3 Ways to Reduce or Prevent Stress

These days, we’re all about “how to be more efficient at XYZ”. Practically every podcast, blog article or recommended book seems to revolve around life hacks and “living an optimised life” - from nutrition to fitness to mindfulness techniques. If we’re not pushing ourselves to keep achieving the next level up, then we’re made to feel like we’re not living a fulfilled life, or we’re not being “our best selves”…

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Natural Anti-Virals: 15 Immune-Boosters to Keep those Winter Viruses Away!

Natural Anti-Virals: 15 Immune-Boosters to Keep those Winter Viruses Away!

We’re right bang in the middle of winter, and you might be one of the last few standing who hasn’t been hit with some kind of cold, flu or winter bug.

Couple this with what’s currently happening across the globe with coronavirus, it’s enough to give anyone the heebyjeebies!  There are so many ways you can help to boost…

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The Game-Changing Habit of Taking Care of Your Soul Without Being Religious or Having a Spiritual Practice

The Game-Changing Habit of Taking Care of Your Soul Without Being Religious or Having a Spiritual Practice

Today’s post is written by a dear friend of mine, someone who helps women rediscover themselves and live life on their terms, Eleni Meraki.

As we have about a month left of 2019 and this entire decade (!) it’s a good time now to reflect on the points she touches on in this article…

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5 Natural Remedies to Help Detox After Partying Too Hard

5 Natural Remedies to Help Detox After Partying Too Hard

It’s that time of year again… The moment we start heading into Thanksgiving, that means we’re pretty much kicking off into the end-of-year PARTY SEASON!! 

You’ve worked hard all year, so if that means you get to slack off just a little bit in the next few weeks and head to All. The. December. Parties… go on then, why not. And if you’ve over-indulged just a wee bit…

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4 Self-Care Myths the Busy, Overworked Person Believes

4 Self-Care Myths the Busy, Overworked Person Believes

“Self care” is one of the trending phases these days that people are quick to pay lip service to, and very easily make assumptions about.

What is “Self Care”?

As the term “self care” might indicate - it’s any activity you do to take care of yourself…

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One Easy Yoga Pose: Wind down after a long, hectic day at the office

One Easy Yoga Pose: Wind down after a long, hectic day at the office

You’ve had a long day - one loaded with meetings, fires to put out, and never-ending changes to fix. I get it, I’ve been there! In my other life as an Executive Producer in advertising, there are always a gazillion things to change and fix. Especially when you’re on a production in the middle of a shoot - it’s non-stop action, all day long…

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