How To Make a Ton of (Vegan-Paleo-Keto) Granola from One Recipe

How To Make a Ton of (Vegan-Paleo-Keto) Granola from One Recipe

If you can’t already tell, I’m BIG on breakfast. For the longest time, I’ve been in the “breakfast: most important meal of the day” camp. Now that I’m exploring a mix of ketogenic and intermittent-fasting principles, my point-of-view might shift...

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What Makes A "Good" Breakfast?

What Makes A "Good" Breakfast?

All too often, I see people starting off with the best intentions of having a "healthy breakfast", only to pile their bowls with too much of one thing and not enough of another. Spiking your blood-sugar levels with a bowl of sugary granola and fruit and jolting your adrenals with a shot of caffeine first thing in the morning is shocking the system artificially into action and... 

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Golden Milk Chai: Turmeric Paste + Chai Tea

Golden Milk Chai: Turmeric Paste + Chai Tea

As we're well into the thick of winter here in Amsterdam, I've been experimenting with various warming drinks that are sugar and caffeine-free. I've got a good chicory-cacao-cayenne pepper recipe I've been experimenting with, but that will be another post for later, so look out for it. ;) In the meantime, I've been looking to Ayurvedic recipes...

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Easy DIY Coconut Yoghurt With 2 Ingredients!

Easy DIY Coconut Yoghurt With 2 Ingredients!

If you're generally dairy-free like me, there's probably one thing you miss quite a bit: YOGHURT! That tangy taste, all that natural probiotic-goodness for the gut, and a protein-rich part of breakfast (or even dessert). I remember when I first discovered coconut yoghurt - it was like hitting the jackpot. THIS STUFF EXISTS?! If you haven't already tried...

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Time-Saving Tip #2: Prep Veggies + Batch Cook

Time-Saving Tip #2: Prep Veggies + Batch Cook

This weekend is one of the rare weekends where I'm back in Amsterdam, with no trips nor big upcoming weekday events planned. I love these weekends at home where I can just potter around, veg out and chill. I usually start these off by heading to the organic farmers' market, Noordermarkt, on Saturday morning. You can really feel the changing seasons...

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Pack A Protein Punch - Chocolate Spirulina Protein Bliss Balls

Pack A Protein Punch - Chocolate Spirulina Protein Bliss Balls

The past few months have been kind of intense - between work, studying for final exams for 2nd year of naturopathy school, writing a final paper and dealing with relationship stuff, I've barely been keeping my head above water. It's always in busy and stressful times when it's all too easy to...

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