December 2018's Preview of "5 Good Things To Share!"

December 2018's Preview of "5 Good Things To Share!"

A short update today on this month’s edition of my “5 Good Things To Share!”. Have you heard of this? Have you signed up for it? Have you been living under a rock? Just kidding.

It’s a Monthly Email Update that Helps You!

  • Are you interested in how to stay fit and healthy but have no time…

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Stomach Bloating: Foods That Help + Foods That Aggravate

Stomach Bloating: Foods That Help + Foods That Aggravate

One of the most common symptoms I see in clinics is clients with stomach bloating. Bloating can take on so many different forms: feeling like your stomach has distended (“I feel like I’m 5 months pregnant”) anywhere between 1 - 4 hours after eating; only at the end of the day; sometimes involving flatulence...

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Smoothie Blending vs. Juicing: Pros + Cons

Smoothie Blending vs. Juicing: Pros + Cons

Smoothie blending versus juicing? I get asked this question all the time!

What’s the difference? In smoothies, all the ingredients are blended up including all the insoluble fibre. In juices, the insoluble fibre is removed, so all you’re left with is… well, the liquid part, or the juice! Here are some of the pros and cons of both:

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4 Reasons Why A Spring Detox Is NOT For You!

4 Reasons Why A Spring Detox Is NOT For You!

The Spring Equinox officially starts in 5 days on March 20, and many of you might be thinking of whether you should be doing some kind of “Spring Detox”. I’m all for a good occasional internal clearing out, and while a “juice cleanse” or “fasting cleanse” might be beneficial for some people, for many others, you might actually be doing more harm than good...

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Is A Nutritional Therapist Worth The Money?

Is A Nutritional Therapist Worth The Money?

Are you keen to eat healthy and stay in shape, but not sure if what you’re doing is right for you? Do you end up tired after a long day and reach for ready-made or takeaway meals most nights? Or maybe you feel you’re doing a pretty good job with your diet and fitness routines already, but you’re still exhausted, constantly bloated and wait, are you...

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How To Make a Ton of (Vegan-Paleo-Keto) Granola from One Recipe

How To Make a Ton of (Vegan-Paleo-Keto) Granola from One Recipe

If you can’t already tell, I’m BIG on breakfast. For the longest time, I’ve been in the “breakfast: most important meal of the day” camp. Now that I’m exploring a mix of ketogenic and intermittent-fasting principles, my point-of-view might shift...

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